Ozone Chrono Bridle Tuning

Avoiding front stall of foilkite by retuning:

How to tune foil kites from Ozone: Without the ozone pro-tune system, which does not come standard with the Hyperlink and Chrono series, it is sometimes still useful to re-tune the bridle system manually. So here is my take on ozone bridle tuning without the pro-tune system (in 25 steps):

Ebene A, B und C
Step 1: A, B and C plane – A is at the front and C is at the back.
„Ozone Chrono Bridle Tuning“ weiterlesen

Flysurfer Peak5 TEST

When it comes to back country snowkiting single skin kites have changed the game. They are super light and together with the 5th line also quite safe. While the 5th line setup is also available for other snowkites, the light weight is really the main advantage of single skin kites, especially when you have to carry your equipment uphill to your favorite snowkite spot. An earlier comparison between the two major competitors (Flysurfer and Ozone) are posted here and here. So how does the new Flysurfer PEAK5 fly in high winds?

„Flysurfer Peak5 TEST“ weiterlesen

Flysurfer Soul vs Ozone Hyperlink vs Ozone Subzero TEST

Snowkiting in mountainous terrain generally means dealing with gusty conditions. While LEIs have the advantage of a rigid structure, they are often heavy and impractical for alpine terrain. Foil kites have a clear advantage. Recent developments in single skin kite designs (single skin kite comparison) are pushing the limit. They have a clear advantage over weight and simplicity, yet a disadvantage can be that they sometimes front-stall with a collapsing leading edge in very gusty conditions when flown close to the edge of the wind window. Ram pressure closed or open cell foil kites can have an advantage in gusty conditions in mountainous terrain.

„Flysurfer Soul vs Ozone Hyperlink vs Ozone Subzero TEST“ weiterlesen

Flysurfer and Ozone Foil Kite Comparisons

Comparing different kites from various manufacturers can be challenging. If you are interested in foil kites you should definitely have a look at the two market leaders: Ozone and Flysurfer . Riding a range of our own kites over the years gave us the opportunity to test comparable kites from both manufacturers under different conditions (water and snow). A comparison between two great backcountry open cell kites (Ozone Explore and the Flysurfer Peak) was already posted here.

„Flysurfer and Ozone Foil Kite Comparisons“ weiterlesen