Ozone Chrono Bridle Tuning

Avoiding front stall of foilkite by retuning:

How to tune foil kites from Ozone: Without the ozone pro-tune system, which does not come standard with the Hyperlink and Chrono series, it is sometimes still useful to re-tune the bridle system manually. So here is my take on ozone bridle tuning without the pro-tune system (in 25 steps):

Ebene A, B und C
Step 1: A, B and C plane – A is at the front and C is at the back.

Step 1 – Measure (!): In this case A and B are stretched – C needs to be realigned with A and B and is off by about 2 cm. The blue and red connections are towards the kite. To reference everything towards the bar, use a screw driver like this:

Below is the dissassembly and re-assembly in another 24 steps. One part that I was procrastinating about for a while was „how to get the pulley through the loops“ 🤯. Note: the photo show below is best watched on a laptop screen or tablet for correct sizing – on some cell phones, the pictures are rescaled and cropped – subtitles are shown as insets below pictures.

3 Antworten auf „Ozone Chrono Bridle Tuning“

  1. Hi,

    Happy to see that I had the same issue with a 2nd hand hyperlink v2. I chose to make some whoopie slings (that are actually used in the „pro tune system“ on the R1) with sk99 lines (420kg). I replaced the AR,BR,CR bridles with this. I could have replaced the end of the speed system + the first stage of the bridles as well to make a longer bury on both sides.

    I personnally made the „long mixer test“ with the full bridling from the bar connection. I checked the ear’s bridles as well, but they did not really moved.

    for reference : https://charredtree.wixsite.com/home/post/making-gear-whoopie-slings

    1. Hi, thanks for posting this, it is a great professional solution – I also have a hyperlink which might need something like this down the road – too bad that Ozone does not offer this type of adjustment like they do for the Race kites or Flysurfer.

      1. Glad it helped you / will help you!

        I guess that’s part of the foil kite experience, to fiddle with the mixer and eventually change all your bridles after years of use.

        I made a control of the length just after the summer, the bridling moved a little bit (left/right mainly) so I would recomend to stitch the whoopie sling just a few points to be sure. I did not felt any difference in steering though the difference was under 5mm.

        I suppose it is because of the handling of the bridles it moves a tiny bit. I made an experiments with not stitching splices on a bar, after an incident with my foil catching the lines, the lines were completely out of length.

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